e-Kitchen Sani is a specially prepared sanitiser for use in food preparation areas such as institutional kitchens, catering establishments, butcheries, food bars and eateries. It is based on biodegradable quaternary ammonium compounds which provides effective microbiocidal activity at recommended dilutions whilst imparting no taste or tainting of food.
- No Rinse Sanitiser: At recommended dilutions e-Kitchen Sani yields 200ppm Quaternary Ammonium Compound which is the required dose for no-rinse sanitiser use.
- Food Safe: formulation is specifically formulated for safe use in food environments and complies with food safety requirements, including FSANZ 3.2.2.
- Effective Sanitisation: When used as directed e-Kitchen Sani will effectively sanitise clean surfaces such as bench tops and cutting boards. Especially suited for use between different food type preparation.
- Safe On All Surfaces: non-corrosive, odourless, non-tainting and safe for use on all water cleanable surfaces.