I-Land L Pro Trolley Only Each

I-Land L Pro Trolley Only Each

Code: 205155
  • i-land innovative cleaning range. Store your machines and manual cleaning equipment together on one mobile cleaning island.
  • Eliminate unproductive travelling time by taking all cleaning tools and accessories and the cleaning machines you need on our cleaning island with you.
  • Colour-coded tank lids and onboard cleaning buckets enable colour-coded cleaning routines, preventing cross-contamination.
  • The i-land PRO includes sealed, unbreakable pre-treatment buckets with integrated scaling inside each bucket.
  • Equipment slots for storing your i-mop chargers. Charge your batteries on the go, set down your drink, or power your i-light directly!
  • You may include the optional tablet bracket. The bracket can easily install your iPad or other electronic devices (s).
  • Tank and Charger not included
$3,219.00 Excl GST

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